Random Daily Prompt: A to Z

Daily Prompt: A to Z.

Create a short story, piece of memoir, or epic poem that is 26 sentences long, in which the first sentence begins with “A” and each sentence thereafter begins with the next letter of the alphabet.


Autumn looked out her bedroom window at the scene below. Butter-yellow daffodils were waving happily in the breeze. Cicadas sang merrily and the setting sun provided a warm glow over the garden.  Dangerously close to the house, though, was a shape she did not recognize. Even though she couldn’t see it clearly she felt a chill run up her spine.  Following the shadows as best as she could, she tried to decipher what the shape actually was.  Goosebumps ran up her arms as she felt the unmistakable feeling of being watched.  Her hair on her arms began to stand on end, and she became increasingly afraid. Instead of closing her curtains and hiding under the safety of the blankets on her bed, she watched the figure as it began to move.  Just in case the figure was watching her, Autumn turned her light off and continued to watch through the window.  Kansas was humid this time of year, and that coupled with the fear she now felt made her skin feel clammy.  Luckily, Autumn kept both a knife and a hand gun in her bedroom, presents from her husband who was currently deployed in Afghanistan, the presence of the weapons made her feel better. More than anything, Autumn wanted the shadow to disappear so that she could crawl into bed, but she had the feeling that she needed to watch, to keep an eye on the shadow, which had gone very still.  Not wanting to call attention to herself, she carefully crouched beneath the window sill, so that only her head was visible through the window. Opening the window was not an option, though if she could have done so she might have been able to hear something that would give her a clue as to what the shadow might be.  Praying that she would not need to use either the knife or the gun, she pulled both from her bedside stand to keep them close, just in case.  Quietly she decided to chance opening the window, just a crack, just enough so that she could hear what was happening outside.  Rain pattered through the screen on the window sill, as Autumn sat very still waiting to hear something that would give her a clue as to who or what her stalker was.  Suddenly the figure moved, it didn’t move fast, but it moved definitely closer to the window where she knelt.  Taking the gun into her hand, she checked the clip to make sure it was loaded, and took the safety off.  Under her window, the figure moved again, closer to the house this time, and Autumn shivered in anticipation. Voices broke the silence outside, and Autumn realized that there was not one figure, but two, standing outside her window, she also realized that they were very human.  Waves of relief hit her as she recognized one of the voices,  the voice belonged to her husband, who was not supposed to be back until the following week. Xerox copies of his deployment plan were laying on her nightstand, she knew he was not due until next week, and why was he creeping around outside her window? Yelling his name out the window, she watched as her husband turned to face her, she noticed that he looked different, in fact she could see him clearly now, and she could see right through him. Zeroing in on the figure, she suddenly realized with great clarity that she was not seeing her husband, she was seeing his spirit, and the reality of that hit her with a force that was unexpected; she sat beneath her window and wept.

Random Daily Prompt: Five a Day

RumYou’ve being exiled to a private island, and your captors will only supply you with five foods. What do you pick?

Daily Prompt: Five a Day.

Well, my first question is…WTF?  Why am I being held captive on an island?  Where is freaking Gilligan and the professor? More importantly WHERE IS THE RUM?

Okay, now that I’ve settled down, I need to give my captors my list of five foods that I would like.  I have no idea why they are giving me food, or options.  Apparently they want me to survive, but they also want me to squirm which means that either they are waiting for ransom money or I am part of a larger government conspiracy….or I landed in an episode of Lost.

Back to foods.  I have no idea if water counts as a food, or if they plan on supplying that but I am going to put it on the list anyway:

1) Water.  Lots of water

2) Live chickens (fully grown please) chickens lay eggs every day, which will supply me with protein.

3) Avocado: Full of fats and amino acids…plus they are tasty.

4) Starchy veggies: Potatoes, Corn, etc.  The starchier the veggie, the more full you feel

and finally:

5) Rum. Lots of rum. Gotta be Captain though.

So there ya go.  I have no idea how long I am going to survive on this diet, but if I die, at least the rum will have made me happy.

Random Daily Prompt: Judgment Day

If you were to judge your favorite book by its cover, would you still read it?

Daily Prompt: Judgment Day.

I remember when I was in high school and wanting something new to read that was not YA nor required reading for my honors English classes.  I was in the city library, which I love, searching for something new to read.

I passed through hundreds of books, which I am sure were amazing, but there was one that caught my eye.  The cover of the book was plain white, with just a few little candy conversation hearts.  It was because of that cover that I checked that book out from the library, and that book was my bridge between YA and adult novels.  The book was titled “Tell Me Lies” by Jennifer Crusie.  After I finished that book I checked out every other book she has ever written, and to this day she is one of my favorite authors.  But I may never have discovered my love for her work if not for those candy conversation hearts on the cover of that book.


Tell Me Lies

Random Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories

What was your favorite book as a child? Did it influence the person you are now?

Daily Prompt: Bedtime Stories.

I have always loved books.  At the age of two I had memorized a PJ Funny Bunny book,  “It’s Not Easy Being a Bunny”, and fooled people into thinking that I was actually reading it.  I wasn’t actually reading it.  I just knew it by heart because my mother read it to me so often.  I knew when to turn the page, and I even knew which voices to use.




When I grew older I became obsessed with Nancy Drew.  I am still working on my collection (thank you e-bay) because I am missing a few and I only am interested in the yellow cover books (if you read Nancy Drew you know what I am talking about).  Those books did affect me as a person.  As soon as I picked up my first Nancy Drew book I realized two things. 1) I wanted to write, and 2) I LOVE mysteries.

The Nancy Drew books inspired my love for writing, and also for reading books that come in a series.  Now I am obsessed with collecting 1st editions of the books.  I believe I can honestly say that Nancy Drew played a part in making me who I am today.



Random Daily Prompt: Happy Happy Joy Joy

We cry for lots of reasons: sadness, pain, fear . . . and happiness. When was the last time you shed tears of joy?

Daily Prompt: Happy Happy Joy Joy.

Being a fairly emotional person, I cry…a lot.   This past week was the last time I cried for a happy reason.  My little boy, who is five years old, was enrolled in Kindergarten next year.  We dropped off the paperwork last week, and I cried.   My little baby is going to Kindergarten, and while part of me is sad, most of me is so proud and happy that he is growing into a wonderful young man.  I’m sure I will cry again in August when the school bus shows up at our house to take him to school.  =)


My little man859076_4431934114814_1654963739_o

Random Daily Prompt: I Got Skills

Daily Prompt: I Got Skills.

If you could choose to be a master (or mistress) of any skill in the world, which skill would you pick?

I had to think about this one for awhile.  Writing is the obvious answer, but for this prompt I decided to go for something more interesting.

I would LOVE to master the art of motherhood.  Yes, I am a mother and I try, but there are times when I honestly think I am doing it wrong.  I have friends who are Super Moms.  It seems they do everything.  Their children know seven languages, are little dancers or athletes, are extremely well mannered, and their houses are always clean.  Always.

I’m lucky if I can get The Boy dressed and to school on time and in one piece.  I have to call my mother often for advise, and my house is far from pristine.   When I was young I dreamed of being one of those housewives I saw on TV.  Donna Reed here I come!  I thought.   Nope.  Donna Reed I am not.

So that’s it.  I would love to master the art of motherhood.


Random Daily Prompt: Sweet Sixteen

Daily Prompt: Sweet Sixteen.

What did I think my life would look like when I was 16?

Well, I thought I would be married, living in a quaint little house, with children, and a fulfilling career.  Now at that time I thought I would be married to my high school sweetheart.  I thought that my best friend and I would still be close as ever, and I imagined that I would still be living in my hometown.

My life now:  At the age of 31 I am indeed happily married (although not to my high school sweetheart) I have one child (whom I had to conceive using fertility methods…didn’t see that one coming) I do have a career as a teacher, but as I have mentioned in previous posts I am quitting that job to pursue my dream of writing.  I do live in a quaint little house, but I no longer live in my hometown.   My best friend ended up married to my high school sweetheart…so needless to say that friendship ended.

All in all I am very pleased with the way my life has turned out. I have a loving family, a house, a job, a dream, and new friends.  I would not have changed any path I have taken

Random Daily Prompt: Just a Dream

Daily Prompt: Just a Dream.

Having a nightmare.  Have to choose between three doors.   I am assuming because this is a nightmare that  all three doors contain bad things.  In my mind they are different shapes and colors, and they are numbered.  The number one door is a triangle, and it is purple.  The number two door is red, and it is a circle.  The number three door is a heart and is blue.

I also know that I will not be able to open only one.  I must open all three.   I begin with door number three, because I like hearts.  It is my favorite shape.  When I open this door I find a void.  Everything in my life that symbolizes love and hope and family is gone.  Vanished completely, and I am completely alone.   There is no color.  Just blackness.  No sound.   I immediately shut that door and move to the purple triangle.

The triangle door contains one of my worst nightmares.  The floor is crawling with worms.  There are worms everywhere, and my heart pounds.  No matter that this phobia is illogical.  Worms cannot hurt me, yet I am scared to death of them.  The sight of one on the sidewalk after a spring rain almost brings me to tears.  My heart pounds and I begin to shake.  Barely able to slam that door closed before opening the remaining door.

The door is red and round, and because of that I have an idea of what it might contain, but I am compelled to open it anyway.  Just as I suspect there is a clown.  A friendly clown at a child’s birthday party, but a clown nonetheless.  I have an irrational fear of clowns (thank you Mr. King) This time I am frozen in terror as the party clown tries to hand me a balloon animal.  I will have nothing of it.  I scream.  Loud.  Nothing happens.  The clown is still there, the children having fun in the background, and I am frozen in terror at this monster.   Finally I come to my senses and slam the door closed.

Of the three of these doors that I am subjected to, I find the first one the most terrifying.  I could probably learn to live with clowns, given enough time.  I could probably learn not to fear worms.  I would never be able to handle complete and total isolation.  No thank you.

Random Daily Prompt: Hate to Love

Daily Prompt: Hate to Love.

I hate to love “Glee”.  This is something I have been wanting to write about for awhile.   I accidentally watched an episode of Glee one night, and I was instantly hooked, even though I have been making fun of “Gleeks” for awhile.

Glee takes every taboo known to man, and throws it in your face.  That is why I hate to love it.

Examples:  They start out small.  A gay boy who is in the closet.  Okay, we’ve seen that before.  Not so uncommon.  Kurt eventually comes out of the closet to his very manly father, and we see this father accept him, even though he struggles to do so.  Later though we see Kurt in a relationship with another boy, and there is a very steamy scene, where you know they are having sex, even though they don’t actually show this.  Okay, we’ve seen some of this before….but there is more.

Let’s talk about Quinn.  The cheerleader who gets pregnant, lies about who the father is, and then makes plans to give the baby away to Mr. Schu’s wife…who is lying to him about being pregnant herself.

Then we have Mr. Schu, who is married at the beginning of the series, and falls in love with another woman.  Finds out his wife is lying about her pregnancy and they divorce.

Other things Glee puts out there for the world:  interracial relationships, bullying, bi-sexual and gay and lesbian relationships, male stripping, handicaps in the form of Artie in the wheelchair, then Quinn in the wheelchair, and Becky who has downs syndrome,  homelessness, gay marriage, cheating in relationships, suicide due to cyber bullying, religion…first in the form of the chastity club, then in the form of Joe (who they call Jesus) and now the new cheerleader bitch who begins the “left behind” club; teenage marriage, cougars, blackmail, texting and driving, cheating, lying, and clawing your way to the top.

On top of that Glee has one of the most interesting anti-heroes I have ever seen in the form of Sue Sylvester.  Sue embodies everything evil that you can think of…until you find out that she has a sister with downs syndrome, and then you understand her relationship with Becky.  The latest in this series of shocking developments comes in the form of Sue going through fertility treatments and gives birth to a baby who also has downs.

Before I began watching Glee, I thought it was just a show about kids singing classic and popular songs.  But it is so much more than that.  It takes life, and throws it in your face.  And that is why I hate to love Glee.

Random Daily Prompt: Forever Young

Daily Prompt: Forever Young.

If there were a true fountain of youth, would you drink from it?

I thought about this for awhile.  And decided that the answer is no.  I would not drink from it.  I would be so tempted, but it is not the natural order of things.

I look back on my youth, and while it was a happy one, there are moments I really wouldn’t want to repeat, in some ways I am enjoying getting older.  I guess I really would just rather progress naturally than stay young due to some magical fountain.

Also, according to fairy tales, if a person finds a fountain that provides youth, there are almost always consequences, some of them rather harsh.  No thanks. I will stay where I am.